Kathy’s mission for a Mission

Sharing my Love and Faith in Jesus is as easy and joy-filled as holding the door open for a stranger! I never know who that next person will be that I am waiting for just a brief second longer to smile at, wait at the door for, say have a blessed day while looking them in the eyes or stopping my truck to allow them to pull in front of me in traffic. Brief seconds in my day have turned into moments of someone thanking me for being kind...as if it was something out of the ordinary to do.

But God tells us to do this very thing! I spent way too many years of my life rushing, neglecting, living for others, people-pleasing, and just mechanically surviving as a Human Doing instead of a Human Being ♥️. God finally met me where I sat down in my tracks a few years ago and picked me up by the hands to walk a slow, kind & thankful path.

I take time now to breathe with gratitude each morning for the breath in my lungs, pray and enjoy the ONLY relationship that is truly the most important in my life - with God!

Saved by Grace is more than a saying ! Literally, I was feeling spiritually starved when I called my friend Jill for prayer🙏 All the way from GA she found Grace OC and God directed her to send me there. One campus then the next in my town from the moment I walked in I knew I was “home” and began to feel feed and Grace was being given to me! God began showing up in people, places and circumstances that led me to / for the first time in my life! To sit back and just LET HIM take the wheel! Seriously! There was No fighting !! Not even me miss control freek could out bust this miracle-worker! He was Good !!

Go, God! So here I am! Nicaragua here I come!

I love my church. I love the service teams I am on. I love the work I do in my company, Green Panda the only USA made bamboo toothbrush. On this trip I get to hand them out myself at the dental clinic- as they have been donated previously - God sent them ahead of me! His plan, not mine. I am just the messenger, hands and feet, smile and heart. So please pray me to Nicaragua 🙏 fast with me or financially support me with whatever you can. God gets ALL the Glory !!

I am Anchored in His Steadfast Love♥️⚓️♥️
Kathy ⚓️