Zambia, Aug 2 - 15, 2024, Family/Student Friendly, w/Dale and Christine, RN Rutledge SR1652

Aug 2 2024 - Aug 15 2024
$2190 + Airfare

Urgent Needs for all positions!

Please pay close attention to all documents required and send to GHO as soon as possible after acceptance to the trip. 

We welcome primary care physicians, pediatricians, dermatologists, dentists, pharmacists, dermatologists, optometrists, ophthalmologists, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses, first responders, dental hygienists, dental assistants, physical/occupational therapists, students, servants (non-medical helpers), and a trip photographer/videographer on all of our general medicine and dentistry trips.

We are looking for primary care and pediatrics providers to deliver orphan care to this extremely impoverished area of Zambia. The stark reality of Zambia is the overabundance of orphaned children that have been left, forgotten, or ignored. Zambia has the highest per capita orphan rate in the world with approximately 1.4 million orphans in a country roughly the size of Texas.  This country was ravaged by HIV/AIDS. Our national partners tell us there is little HIV there now as they have largely died off. When a child is orphaned they usually becomes the responsibility of a distant family member or neighbor but because they are another mouth to feed, these children are usually not welcomed and considered a burden. Many are forced to find their own food and sleep outside. One in every four households is a child-headed home with a child acting as the primary caregiver.

On this trip, we will be serving primarily orphans along with local people in each area. In this area, most exist on less than one dollar per day.  We are working with a small local church and school living and serving in this area. They have little to no access to health care although many have received vaccinations. They have essentially no dental care. Since we will be seeing a large number of children we really need an optometrist who can size glasses.

“I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.” John 14:18
“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this; to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”  James 1:27
Would you prayerfully join me in this mission to look after His children?

For additional information, email Team Leader, Dale Rutledge at [email protected] or Team Leader Christine Rutledge at [email protected]

Global Health Outreach
P.O. Box 7500 • Bristol TN 37621
Phone: 888-230-2637
Fax: 423-764-1417

17 going


Emily Hill
(423) 844-1079




$150.00 Application Fee (due upon applying/acceptance)
$2,040.00 Project Fee (due two weeks prior to trip)
$2,200.00 ESTIMATED Airfare (will be adjusted to actual cost and is due upon ticketing)


1. Zambia Application (for all healthcare professionals EXCEPT NPs, Nurses and Midwives) Required

All healthcare professionals, please complete the application, scan, and return it to GHO via [email protected] ASAP. GHO will notarize it for you.


2. Zambia Employment Reference Letter Required

Please add the date, your name, and address in full to the attached form. Take the form to your employer to complete and then scan and send it back to [email protected] ASAP.


3. Zambia Health Letter Required

Please complete the attached letter and take to your primary care doctor for verification. Once completed, please scan and send it back to [email protected].


4. Zambia Curriculum Vitae for Health Professionals Required

Print off this template and DO NOT change any formatting within the document. If something isn’t applicable, input Not Applicable or leave blank. We have included a sample to help you. Scan and send the CV to [email protected].


5. SAMPLE Zambia Curriculum Vitae for Healthcare Professionals

Use this sample CV as a guide to complete yours. Please remember not to change the formatting.


6. Zambia Credentials Checklist Doctors and Dentists Only

Print this checklist and start collecting the needed documents. Note: we need these ASAP! Don't forget to send in your Waiver as well.


7. Zambia Application NPs, Nurses and Midwives Required


8. Zambia Credentials Checklist Nurse Practitioners, Nurses & Midwives Only


9. Zambia Credentials Checklist All Healthcare Professionals (Except MD/DO, DDS/DMD, NPs & Nurses)


CMDA Waiver Required

Please download, complete, and return the CMDA waiver to [email protected] ASAP. This waiver is required.


GHO Waiver Required

Please download, complete, and return the GHO waiver to [email protected] ASAP. This waiver is required.




  1. IMPORTANT! The expiration date on your passport MUST be at least 6 months past the return date of your trip. Processing times for new passports and passport renewals is 3 - 4 months so we advise you to start the process immediately after you have been approved for the trip if your passport expiration date does not meet the requirement.
  2. Foreign language skills are appreciated, but not required.


  1. Attending morning and evening team meetings.
  2. Serving in the capacity of position on team and/or at the direction of the team leader.


  1. Read "GHO Participant Manual" located under Forms.
  2. Begin fundraising.
  3. Submit all requested documents to GHO upon application.
  4. Immunizations -


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