Dale and I were first time team leader in Honduras. This is the final email we sent to our team after the mission trip.

“Thank you all for serving with us. When we were planning and praying for you all, we felt confident that we would have a good team and that the mission trip would go well, but we never expected it to be so rich in love and blessings.

We prayed for unity for our team and the Lord delivered this a hundredfold. We prayed for safety and He protected us. We prayed for opportunities to serve Him and we saw nearly 700 medical patients, 80 dental patients, 100+ kids got an amazing VBS program, we gave out over 2,000 prescriptions and 680 glasses, distributed close to 200 food bags, made close to 20 home visits and sponsored 20 children! Most importantly 37 people joined the Kingdom as believers eternally saved. We are speechless and in awe of how you all served sacrificially and with such great love for our Lord and for each other.”

Our time serving cannot be compared to anything we have done before as a couple. To share this experience together is one of the most beautiful things we have ever done.