Update - a few months late..

Our team returned from Nicaragua months ago, and I thought as soon as I returned I would know what to say to update my family and friends who supported our team through prayers, money, and well wishes. Unfortunately, I was hit with the worst case of "writer's block" and I could not figure out how to best summarize my experience for those who were not there in Nicaragua with us. Now, almost 5 months after our return, I am still processing what we experienced for that short week. I know that no matter what I say, nothing will be an adequate reflection of how our time was spent. All I can say is that the God I have been taught about since I was a small child became real to me in ways that I have never experienced before. I saw him in the faces of the people we served, in their smiles and in their eyes. I heard him in the laughter of the children when they reunited with a team member who has known them since they were a baby. I felt him moving with our team as we reached through the darkest evil to share the light of Christ with those who had never heard His name before. I experienced His love in an indescribable way that I cannot help but to share with anyone who asks. And I pray that I reflect that in every aspect of my life. I hope to return to Nicaragua next January with the team. I ask now of my friends and family to please be in prayer for our team as we work to return in a few months and for those we will hopefully be ministering to once again in Nicaragua. I appreciate each of you who have followed along this journey with me and who have partnered with me whether through thoughts, prayers, or financial support. Thank you for your time and I hope to update you in a few months when our team returns.