Honduras May 23 - 31/2014

May 23 2014 - May 31 2014
Tegucigalpa, HN
34 people have joined this trip!

Positions Needed: Orthopedic Surgeons, Anesthesiologists, CRNAs, Scrub Techs, PAR and OR Nurses

Hospitals Escuela and San Felipe are the two teaching hospitals for the University Nacional Autonom de Honduras in the capital city, Tegucigalpa. Hospital Escuela, an 1800-bed teaching hospital and its smaller partner, Hospital San Felipe, offer all medical and surgical specialties including residency training.

Team participants will work alongside Honduran surgeons, surgical residents, anesthesiologists, operating room nurses, and other hospital staff to partner with and offer training in surgical procedures that allow them to advance their skills and provide an increased level of care after the team departs. Teams often provide advanced equipment such as arthroscopy and laparoscopy, train the surgeons in appropriate use, then leave the equipment with the hospital, having taught the personnel "how to fish". There is ample opportunity for one to one "live out their faith" as they are observed moving about the hospital.

The team has an active prayer ministry within the hospital, often called "the Heart of the Team". Members of the prayer team make daily rounds visiting patients and their families throughout the hospital offering physical and spiritual hope through prayer and by providing small items for personal hygiene, Spanish Bibles, toys for children, and praying for particular needs.

Teams are made up of surgeons, operating room nurses and technicians, anesthesiologists, nurse anesthetists, pastors, and others who have or would like to develop, a more fervent prayer life through working with the prayer team. Because of the intensive surgical training focus, there is not a current need for medical students but a summer student medical program is available and well attended by all levels of medical trainees.

Team Leader: Michael Langford, MD [email protected]

Global Health Outreach
P.O. Box 7500 • Bristol TN 37621
Phone: 888-230-2637
Fax: 423-764-1417


Sarah Montgomery
(423) 844-1007



$150.00 Application fee (due upon applying)
Airfare fee (due upon ticketing)
$1,360.00 Project fee Due 5/19/2014


Travel Permission Form Required


Waiver of Responsibility Required




  1. Important Note! The expiration date on your valid passport MUST be 6 months beyond the return date of your trip. It may take 3 to 6 months to receive a passport from your local passport office; therefore, you may consider obtaining your passport via g3visas at www.g3visas.com.
  2. Some foreign language skill is greatly appreciated
  3. Vaccinations


  1. Attending morning and evening team meetings, including devotions
  2. Serving in the capacity of position on team and/or at direction of the team leader


  1. Orthopedic Surgery Team


  1. Complete passport if not already
  2. Talk with family
  3. Start fundraising
  4. Please fax all required form to 423-764-1417 or email to [email protected]


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