I did a children’s ministry in San Maguel, El Salvador. I enjoy sharing the love of Jesus with children. I told a Bible story each day and had an activity for them to do that went with the story. Also, I had lots of other activities for the children to do while they waited for their parents or to see the doctor. A little boy went in to see the doctor. He was talking to him about Jesus and he said he knew about Him. Dr. Albert ask him if I had used the cube to tell him and he said “no she told me a story.” He accepted Jesus as Savior.
There were some older children there one day. I ask them if they went to church. The girl said that they used to, but had some family issues and did not go anymore. We prayed with them and I shared the plan of salvation with them using the Salvation Bracelet. The mother and another child were inside at the clinic. In the end all of the family accepted Christ. I took 120 little stuffed bears that had a patch in Spanish that said Jesus Loves me. The children loved them. I had some awesome help from some of the teachers. One day there was a gentleman in the area with his two children. He was waiting for his wife who was seeing the doctor. The teacher began to talk to him about Jesus. Eventually he accepted Christ! I told him what the colors meant on the Salvation Bracelet and gave it to him. He was so happy afterward!
One of the best times on these trips to El Salvador is our worship time every morning with the students who serve as our translators. The Holy Spirit fills the room!
In preparation for ministry to the people, we went out into the community on Sunday, knocked on doors, told them about the ministry and gave them information. Walking into the community and seeing how they live was very eye opening. They all seem to be afraid to open their doors. Please pray for this community that they will come to trust in Jesus and start attending this new church that is now in their midst. Pray for the leaders of the church as they faithfully work in this community to break down walls and meet needs.