During our outreach we experienced so many answers to prayer. I realize that these "quick answers" were really the result of months of prayer by the local pastors, as well as years of growth from seeds planted in the past. Most of my life here in the States involves delayed gratification. Parenting, discipleship, ministry, and taking care of patients with chronic disease often takes years to appreciate the results.
We had one farmer show up in the physical therapy area and ask our PT and translator to pray for rain which they did, and within five minutes there was the first rain they had in a few weeks. We brought particular size wheelchairs, and found that one was just perfect for a teenage boy with spina bifida.

As a result of the collective prayer by the pastors, congregation, our prayer team and us 133 persons made a decision to follow Jesus. The nationals did the majority of the evangelism in the few hours before our team arrived each morning.

Another privilege was training five nationals in basic medical skills so they can continue to outreach and be a blessing to their community.

After our formal medical outreach, missions continued on our fun day.
About halfway into a hike around a volcano crater we went to a vent (fumarole) on a side trail, and the Holy Spirit prompted me to ask Rolando if he knew if our guide was a Christian. He said the bus driver was a Christian but that he would ask the guide and thanked me for the reminder. Bruce and I started praying and about three minutes later we stopped, and as Rolando presented the gospel this 45 year old man who said "Si," he wanted to receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. He prayed a prayer of repentance with all of us gathered around, and he was encouraged to join a local church. He was also encouraged to share this with his wife and his friend. He told Rolando that about four years ago when he was a guide for the zip lines a GHO team had comes through, and he remembered Rolando, and he remembered receiving a tract at that time that explained the gospel and he had been thinking about it since then. Praise the Lord for another soul to come into God's big family. There is a big fiesta in heaven over one sinner, who repents, and the angels are singing.