Being a family physician I have had several opportunities to serve medically to those in need. But when I was looking through trip options I saw a GHO team going into the Dominican Republic prisons as a team of Doctors and Dentists. I quickly went past this one and kept looking as that felt too difficult emotionally and medically. Then I realized I was ruling it out without getting the information. I was able to talk to Dr Bill Sasser the team leader who discussed the amazing church partner they work with and the changed lives they have seen in their many trips here. I am so thankful I signed up. First, the smaller group enabled us to get close and to be open and vulnerable with each other. It was an amazing team. The church we worked with, Oasis, was a church that is so spirit filled and has such a heart to serve. They took care of us and the clients we served with such grace. Lastly, the prisoners we served were respectful and so thankful for us. I know I was able to help some short term medical needs for a group that has no access to care or medications but it soon became obvious that what most of them were desperate for was Peace, and Hope and being Loved. To feel forgotten and then offered the Hope that comes with the Christian faith, was so powerful to see and be a part of. Often having good medical follow up is an important key for a successful trip, this is one of the situations that although solid medical follow up was unlikely, the population was mainly young and so acute issues were the majority and the care given was at least something to a group used to nothing for which most were so thankful for. It was a great trip in renewing my faith and using my skills in a pure way.