In the Dominican Republic,there were many families who had to carry their children who had physical and/or mental disabilities daily because they did not have a wheelchair. It was humbling to see how grateful these families were to receive a wheelchair in order to care for their children.

We met one man who carried around a 23 year old girl that was the size of a 10 year old. She likely had Cerebral Palsy and could not speak or walk.
Because of her disability, her biological father left the girl and her mother. The man who brought her into our clinic loved this girl so much that he chose to be a part of the family just to take care of her. He was so grateful to receive a wheelchair for the girl he loved. It amazed me to see how this man loved the girl unconditionally—she could not thank him for his help or offer gratitude or love in any way. Even still, he loved her and cared for her every day. This reminds me of God’s unconditional love for us! What a blessing it was to witness this and to serve them.