As many of you know, I spent a week in Honduras on a medical mission. The Lord graciously have shown me the most incredible things. I'd like to share some of them with you. Never in my life I have seen so many hungry people, people with sufficient clothing, thirsty for clean water and eager to drink water out of the rain cistern or the river, people with terrible deep wound infections and and no medical care, people living in the carton/plywood houses without windows or doors, children without a proper education. Yet, in the midst of this chaos and darkness Hondurans are the most grateful and joyful people I have ever seen in my life. They responded with the biggest grin on their faces to a plain peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a bottle of water. It was so amazing to see God at work among Honduran people as well as among our team members! There was not a single day that I came back to my hotel room without tears in my eyes realizing how blessed yet very limited I was in my ability to help. Every day God was teaching me a new concept of letting my selfish ambitions go and letting Him to take a full control over the situation. As a group we have done a lot of joint replacement and hand surgeries, we have prayed over hundreds of people, passed around a lot of sandwiches and bottles of drinking water. However, we were there only for a week... It was hard for me to hold my tears back when I was departing from Tegucigalpa airport. Then, the Lord have opened my eyes and I've realized that every single American passenger on my airplane was a missionary. It was so incredible!! There was a vast number of teachers, preachers, physicians, dentists, nurses, water pipe and house builders, food providers, clothing makers and caretakers. And there were we - one big family of God, gathered together to do His work for His glory! For our God is a great artist who can see the final picture He is painting and we are His "fellow workers" (1Cor. 3:8) who are able to catch only a faint glimpse of His great work!