Before heading out on this project I had a couple of friends ask me how they could pray for me. I wasn't sure how to respond to them, but did know that as an anesthesiologist I was concerned that there should be no "mishaps" during our trip. We work under less than ideal conditions not having the backup, regular supplies and usual equipment with which we work on our home turf. I don't want to injure a patient under any circumstances but the possibilities are considerably higher on a trip like this. So I asked that they pray we not harm any patients while we were trying to help both patients and the resident Honduran physicians with whom we worked.
During the course of the week I had a patient develop a severe bradycardia as a result of vagal stimulation during a direct laryngoscopy. Severe enough that it required treatment including chest compressions and medication to which it thankfully responded. As the event was occurring I thought back to the request I made regarding prayer and even as we returned home to celebrate Thanksgiving I continue to give thanks for the prayers of friends and God's graciousness to us for this and other blessings on our trip.
