When serving as a nurse anesthetist on previous GHO trips, I rarely had an awake and captive audience receptive to the gospel message. There was once, however, a patient who, having received a spinal for his surgery, was awake and asking me questions about Jesus during his procedure. Later, in the "recovery room" he accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior. As tears of joy rolled down my face, I was so excited and shocked by the rare occurrence of someone being saved in the surgical suite that I jumped up and down and asked my teammates, "What do we do now?"
On my most recent trip to the Dominican with GHO, I was serving as a nurse in the triage area. One day I was given the opportunity to speak to a classroom of 12-13 year old students and to share my testimony with them and I obediently answered the call. Each day for three days these students had heard the testimony of other team members and I know that people back home were praying for hearts to be softened and for ears to be opened to hear the message of Jesus. When my translator, Pastor Dionis from the local church, asked who would sincerely like to accept Christ as Lord of their life that day, almost every hand in the class went up. My heart was filled to overflowing, as I witnessed what God can do. He calls us to share the Good News with all nations, He blesses our obedience, He makes us fishers of men, and He multiplies the "fish". To Him be all the glory and praise! Lord, let Your Kingdom come.