East Africa - Medical, Dental & Vision Clinic

"Called me to waters a little too deep" are from "Beyond Me" they describe what we felt as a team last year in East Africa. We endured the 13 hr drive to the city to run a clinic for 8 days. The local people are friendly, open and very hard-working. Many of them walked 1 or more days to attend the clinic. We teamed with the in-country partners who provided logistics and translation. Our clinic provided medical, dentistry, vision and pharmacy services. We saw 1900 patients and filled over 3,900 prescriptions. I ran the Vision clinic and performed 248 eye exams, testing for glaucoma and cataracts. We had an awesome translator who was able to translate in two languages. He had a gift for discernment and a heart to witness. He was able to weave in the salvation plan during the exam. What a joy to see 78 new decisions to follow Jesus. We also had a local pastor to follow-up and help those sparks grow into flames for Christ. I would encourage you to consider joining us next fall as we continue to plant seeds in East Africa. As the week went on, these additional words from Toby Mac described how I felt, "I'm leaving the sweet spot, sure shot. Tradin' it all for the plans You got . . . It's way beyond me." Please pray for these new believers and for the team to be formed for next fall.